Echelon Italia has a great expertise in the set-up of on-line computer workstations, fitted with thermal and laser printers, optical readers and secretary softwares. Using our system, the organizational secretary can print all badges on-site at the participants’ arrival.
Badge Print With QR Code
Attendance Registration
On-site printing: why?
On-site printing is quick: registration staff does not have to look for a badge every time a participant shows up.
Less work stations are required, as it is not necessary to divide the registration desk by surname, so all participants can refer to any free work station.
Pc stations can be replaced or equipped with multi-medial kiosks that allow the participants to complete the registration on their own.
On-line working stations: why?
With on-line working stations, it is possible to collect and share live datas and informations about:
Material Delivery
Confirmation and Cancellation
Trough our software, it is possible to assign a seat to each participant. By monitoring the entrance, it is also possible to obtain constantly updated lists of attending participants and available seats.